Diversity, equity and inclusion
The company can be a real tool for the development of everyone if and only if it is free of discrimination and harassment. It is from this perspective, which is one of the pillars of our mission-driven company, that Altyor wishes to develop.

Our policies in Human Rights
Diversity is an asset and a strength. Through our Inclusion policy, Altyor is committed to eliminating discrimination and building bridges between all Altyormates, regardless of gender, age or religion, with or without disabilities. We choose to look at skills.
Through our anti-harassment policy, Altyor wishes to remind all Altyormates of their rights and duties. Moral or sexual harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
The fight against child labour is also a key element of labour law and one that Altyor rigorously monitors.
Our objectives
Altyor has set itself objectives, linked to the following commitments:
Some concrete examples

Working with ESATs
Since 2021, Altyor has been working with two ESATs (Etablissement et service d’aide au travail) with the aim of offering people with disabilities a window on the professional world and encouraging their personal and social development.
A whistleblowing procedure
Altyor has set up an anonymous reporting form open to Altyormates and all stakeholders (partners, suppliers, etc.), in order to report any behaviour that does not comply with the company’s policies.

Each year, Altyor renews its commitment to associations that are important to it, such as the association for the fight against cystic fibrosis and the fight against cancer.