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Altyor’s Mission

Altyor commits as a ‘mission-driven company’

Altyor became a mission-driven company in 2023, incorporating its eco-responsible values into its statutes. This transformation has significant implications and a strong ambition: to design, manufacture, and distribute our customers’ products in an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable manner.

What is a mission-driven company?

A mission-driven company is a commercial company that establishes a statutory purpose and integrates the consideration of social, societal, and environmental impacts. Moreover, a mission-driven company aims to achieve a broader goal of general interest, rather than just pursuing the economic sustainability of the company.

“Becoming a ‘mission-driven company’ is a turning point for Altyor, probably very surprising and daring for our sector, but ultimately quite natural given our convictions.”

— Yanis Cottard, Altyor CEO.

The pillars of our Mission-Driven Company

Responsibility: Eco-design, eco-manufacturing, circular economy: we are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our products and those of our customers.

Contribution: Offer services and expertise for products
that contribute greatly to the ecological and social transition, such as ecology, sustainable agriculture, education, wonderment, energy savings and any other area highlighted in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This means relinquishing projects that do not meet these criteria.

Exemplarity: Create a responsible industrial movement, by inspiring, uniting and educating  our ecosystem.

Fulfilment: The true foundation of our vision: our organization will endeavour to ensure the fulfillment of each Altyormate in their mission, in all the entities of the group.

The objectives of the mission-driven company

Our goals are based on the UN’s sustainable development goals, as well as the Ten Principles of the Global Compact, of which Altyor is a member.

Why become a mission-driven company?

Discover the reasons for this choice, the implications, and the testimonies of Altyormates on Altyor’s transformation into a mission-driven company.